Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Cheetos Popcorn

It is with a heavy heart that I report the disappointment that is Cheetos popcorn.

Image result for cheetos popcorn

What a fantastic idea and what a sad, sad realization of that idea. I LOVE good cheese popcorns. Garrett's in the Chicago airport?  That's my jam. It's worth flying for. I mean, I've flown to the Chicago airport just for that popcorn. Okay, that's a lie, but you get the idea.

This? This isn't even good cheese popcorn, let alone popcorn that deserves to wear the hallowed name of Cheetos. Like, this does not taste like Cheetos at all. And somehow, despite the bright orange powder, it somehow tastes like it needs salt? How is that even possible? At 11 grams of fat for 2 cups, you can definitely eat more of the popcorn than you can of actual Cheetos, but why would you want to?

The Flamin' Hot version is marginally better. It's at least hot. But it's not exactly good.

Image result for cheetos popcorn

Sadly, neither of these are worth your time or money.

I gave mine away. GAVE MINE AWAY.

That's how bad it is. Such a heartbreaker.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Fire and Fury Horseradish Chips

For me, horseradish chips are the holy grail. And no, I'm not capitalizing that. I am a BIG horseradish fan and there used to be Snack Factory horseradish pretzels. Ahhh, horseradish pretzels, I miss you so. To fill that sad gap in my life, I'm always on the look out for horseradish pretzels, chips, etc. So a few months ago, I do a double take in Dillon's chip aisle because I see this:

Image result for fire and fury chips"
Oh hells yes. Horseradish chips! Now, the closest I've come to horseradish chips are these:

Image result for prime rib horseradish chips"
I know: these sound super gross. They're not; they're actually surprisingly good. But they're not SUPER horseradish-y. So I bought three, yes THREE bags, of the Fire & Fury brand. Honestly, at first I was a little disappointed. The word "creamy" is yes, disgusting, but also sort of accurate. There's a slight sort of, I'm not sure, sour cream tinge to these -- a mellowing of the horseradish that kind of bums me out. But I've gotten to really like them. I've gotten used to whatever the "creamy" aspect is. Truth time, though: they're not quite worth the cost. 2/3 of the bag is air and they're a smidge pricey. They'd be kind of great for a low-brow sort of charcuterie board (my favorite kind). Worth a try, I'd say, but not worth three bags.

0/10. Do not recommend.

  These. Are.  Terrible.  They smell and taste a fair bit like vomit. Without question, the worst chicken tenders I've ever tried. Inedi...