Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Fire and Fury Horseradish Chips

For me, horseradish chips are the holy grail. And no, I'm not capitalizing that. I am a BIG horseradish fan and there used to be Snack Factory horseradish pretzels. Ahhh, horseradish pretzels, I miss you so. To fill that sad gap in my life, I'm always on the look out for horseradish pretzels, chips, etc. So a few months ago, I do a double take in Dillon's chip aisle because I see this:

Image result for fire and fury chips"
Oh hells yes. Horseradish chips! Now, the closest I've come to horseradish chips are these:

Image result for prime rib horseradish chips"
I know: these sound super gross. They're not; they're actually surprisingly good. But they're not SUPER horseradish-y. So I bought three, yes THREE bags, of the Fire & Fury brand. Honestly, at first I was a little disappointed. The word "creamy" is yes, disgusting, but also sort of accurate. There's a slight sort of, I'm not sure, sour cream tinge to these -- a mellowing of the horseradish that kind of bums me out. But I've gotten to really like them. I've gotten used to whatever the "creamy" aspect is. Truth time, though: they're not quite worth the cost. 2/3 of the bag is air and they're a smidge pricey. They'd be kind of great for a low-brow sort of charcuterie board (my favorite kind). Worth a try, I'd say, but not worth three bags.

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0/10. Do not recommend.

  These. Are.  Terrible.  They smell and taste a fair bit like vomit. Without question, the worst chicken tenders I've ever tried. Inedi...