Monday, April 27, 2020

Pop Tarts Pretzels

So. We've been social distancing and (semi)quarantining since mid-March. I think we're on week 7? It's been, I think, 5-6 weeks since I've set foot inside a grocery store. This is a sadness. I understand it's a minor sadness in the face of a global pandemic. And yet, it's true. I miss the grocery store.

Now, when the writing was on the wall and I could see this lockdown coming, I spent a fair bit of money at the grocery store. For the most part, I tried to only buy things that I knew we'd eat, things I could freeze or things that were very shelf stable. I tried not to buy too many impulse things, too many things we shouldn't eat every day.

But, it was also a pandemic, a national crisis. And so I thought it was high time I tried the Pop Tarts pretzels.


I'd almost bought them a few times, but I buy Pop Tarts maybe twice a year. I actually LOVE them, which is why I tend not to have them in the house. But, again, pandemic. So I cracked.

Quick review: meh. I mean, they're fine. But they really just taste like regular Pop Tarts without enough filling. They don't taste like pretzels, and they're not particularly salty. If you've eaten a cinnamon sugar Pop Tart and thought, "you know, this would be better if it had less flavor," then these are for you.

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0/10. Do not recommend.

  These. Are.  Terrible.  They smell and taste a fair bit like vomit. Without question, the worst chicken tenders I've ever tried. Inedi...